The Patio

I had such big plans for this summer.  But they all got pushed to the side in favour of swimming and lounging in the hammock and reading and playing guitar.  We were going to rip everything out of the Third Room (which we did) and then insulate (we have the insulation in our possession) and … More The Patio

The Bunk Room

Have you ever had one of those rooms that you HATE?  Absolutely can’t stand?  Every time you look at it, you cringe, feel a little throw-uppy, want to burn it to the ground?  Yeah.  That was how I felt about the bunk room. Oh, little Bunk Room, how I hate thee.  Let me count the … More The Bunk Room

The Rocket Stove

Ever heard of a rocket stove?  Neither had I. But see, that’s the beauty of sharing my life with a soldier, who also happens to be a Prepper.  A Pragmatic Prepper, of course, in case of natural disaster.  We do live in Canada and we have been known on occasion to get some pretty crazy winter … More The Rocket Stove